C# .NET FIPS Roadmap
Current FIPS Overview
The BC FIPS C# .NET User Guide contains details about the API and use of the BC FIPS C# .NET module.
The API is different from the regular C# API as it makes use of generics and needs to meet the FIPS boundary requirements. This has lead to an API that is similar in feel to the FIPS Java low-level API, but somewhat smaller as the use of C# generics has reduced the code size.
Name: bc-fips-1.0.1.dll, bc-fips-
Status: Released 24 November, 2016, CVE Update - May, 2021.
The module is currently tested against the .NET 4.6.1 and .NET 4.5.2, both running on CLR Version 4.
Planned Releases
Name: bc-fips-1.0.2.dll
Scheduled Additions for BC FIPS C# .NET 1.0.2
FFC Diffie-Hellman
CSHAKE, KMAC, TupleHash, and ParallelHash.
SP 800-38G: Methods for format preserving encryption
SHA-3 Signature Algorithms: PKCS#1.5, RSA PSS, ECDSA, DSA
Fix for X9.31 SHA-512/256.
BC-FNA 1.0.2 is now available on the FIPS C# page.
Name: bc-fips-2.0.0.dll
Scheduled Additions for BC FIPS C# .NET 2.0.0
Approved Mode Algorithms
Additional KAS modes for ephemeral keys.
Non-approved Mode Algorithms
NewHope (Update)
Edwards Curves: X448, X25519
GOST R 34.11-2012
BC-FNA 2.0.0 will be done under FIPS 140-3 and using .NET Core rather than .NET Framework.